
Are you living in what Marla Scilly, aka The Fly Lady, calls CHAOS? (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome). Well then, join the club there are thousands, perhaps even millions of us!

I have struggled with organization in almost every area of my life for, well, my entire life. By starting this blog I hope to encourage others that they too can get and stay organized!

While it will probably embarrass my children for me to air the dirty laundry here, in full color photos, if it helps just one person along their own journey to getting organized and staying that way, it will have been worth it!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Working Outdoors

Well I have been working outdoors a lot, trying to get things done before the weather gets nasty. This pic is of the back side walk, from my back patio looking up towards the falling down sheds. on the left is my little back garden. This was before I started cleaning up around the sidewalk.

This one is after I'd worked awhile on it. I spent the day working on various outdoor projects so I don't really know how long I spent on each thing; I didn't set the timer at all.

I've also been writing a lot over on Squidoo and making new products over in my Zazzle shop. So of course I haven't been working on cleaning house much. Just barely able to keep a trail through the living room and some of the clutter at bay. Perhaps when it's a bit colder and the garden isn't so enticing I can make more progress here indoors. In the meantime if you want to see more of the garden, what I'm harvesting, progress on the greenhouse and a free seed giveaway, check out my Edible Garden blog.

Monday, November 7, 2011


The kitchen before
Well as you can see the kitchen is a big wreck. Stuff everywhere, can't hardly find a clean pot and tripping over things on the floor.

So working on it 15 minutes at a time today. And in between made some chicken and dumpling soup, yummy, just right for a cold rainy day.

kitchen after one 15 minute session

Well after one 15 minute session things are a little better, I've done some dishes and picked up some of the junk off the floor.

Kitchen after two 15 minute sessions

And here it is after another 15 minute session, beginning to look a lot better. Most of the dishes are done, most of the junk off the floor and two counters have had a lot of stuff removed from them, thrown or put away. I took out the trash too. Still aways to go before I can say it's finished, but definitely an improvement!


Bedroom before I did anything
Well since I have been concentrating so hard on the outdoor work of course the house is a train wreck. But today is grey and rainy and I happen to have a day off, so I'm working indoors 15 minutes at a time.

Here's the bedroom before I did anything. Two weeks ago when the weather turned cooler I pulled out the boxes of winter clothes and there they are, still sitting there....

Now here it is after just one 15 minute session; looking a LOT better, don't you think?

bedroom after one 15 minute session
bedroom after one 15 minute session
bedroom after one 15 minute session

I learned about the magic of 15 minutes from Marla Cilly, aka The Fly Lady. Her book Sink Reflections chronicles her journey out of CHAOS and gives you loads of help so you can do the same.