Olive eggs and Black Copper Marans |
Plant (ran out of potting mix, will have to make some more in the morning)
Clear a bed: OOps didn't get there
Steps on hill: or there
Shade cloth: or there
Fix water to hill pen: I tried but the part I have is too small and somebody stole the last one from the store and left the empty package. urgh
Clean coops That is most of what I did today, but the big hoop house is now done and I can move some birds around tonight.
Desk I spotted a small box of papers on the floor and set my timer for 15 minutes. I sorted, shredded and filed and had time left so I shredded some of the big box.
Kitchen I washed up the two nasty pots I dumped and put to soak yesterday.
Laundry Folded up the dry stuff off the line and washed and hung another load.
Unload feed
Take something out of the van I took a grocery sack of trash out of the van
Afternoon chores
All in all a pretty productive day around here. I'm pretty tired, but that's ok. I'll feed the dog, eat some dinner, move some chickens after dark then go to bed.